Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

Charles Martel

Charles Martel
함종 순양함
국가 프랑스
크레딧 비용 8 900 000
The design of the new cruiser was based on that of her predecessor, Algérie, using elements from the De Grasse light cruiser. A key feature of the new ship was the use of triple-gun turrets for the main battery, which helped increase firepower. One of the variants of the project involved the installation of aircraft equipment. The increased power of the propulsion unit was intended to increase her speed compared to her predecessor.

  • 피해 복구반
  • 대공 방어 사격 또는 음파 탐지
  • 전투기
  • 엔진 가속기
  • 주함포 재장전 가속기


설정: 기본 최고
주함포 선체 어뢰 사격 통제 장치 엔진
203 mm/50 Mle 1931 in a turret
203 mm/50 Mle 1931 in a turret
Charles Martel (A)
Charles Martel (A)
550 mm 23DT
550 mm 23DT
PCA n° 8 Mle 1
PCA n° 8 Mle 1
Propulsion: 100,000 hp
Propulsion: 100,000 hp
203 mm/55 Mle 1934 in a turret
203 mm/55 Mle 1934 in a turret
Charles Martel (B)
Charles Martel (B)
PCA n° 8 Mle 2
PCA n° 8 Mle 2


생존 44
함포 75
어뢰 15
대공 55
기동력 50
피탐지 53

같은 티어, 함종 통계

국가 전투 승률 평균 격침 평균 데미지 평균 경험치 평균 항공기 격추 수 격침 비율
STAR Edinburgh 영국 8 140 54.37 % 0.68 41 709 1 737 6.80 1.30
Wiesbaden 독일 17 599 53.04 % 0.65 44 784 1 714 8.32 1.18
ARP Maya 일본 99 573 54.11 % 0.66 47 155 1 740 4.29 1.39
Cross of Dorn 독일 25 975 50.68 % 0.61 49 584 1 609 5.66 0.98
AL Montpelier 미국 276 852 52.05 % 0.59 39 214 1 598 8.60 0.98
ARP Takao 일본 1 422 716 51.75 % 0.59 42 252 1 304 1.93 1.15
Vrijheid 네덜란드 1 295 57.77 % 0.88 60 548 2 170 12.67 1.78
Atago B 일본 302 768 53.65 % 0.67 48 337 1 717 4.06 1.35
Mainz B 독일 52 810 50.24 % 0.59 47 553 1 566 5.98 0.95
Dmitry Pozharsky 소련 56 571 50.13 % 0.60 46 698 1 507 5.12 1.05
AL Cheshire 영국 86 623 51.05 % 0.63 42 920 1 574 8.14 1.16
Nottingham 영국 4 726 51.33 % 0.62 45 208 1 535 1.17 1.00
San Diego 미국 140 008 54.88 % 0.78 48 406 1 829 10.02 1.45
Pyotr Bagration 소련 110 144 52.07 % 0.61 44 676 1 630 6.96 1.06
Hampshire 영국 28 695 49.53 % 0.60 42 557 1 565 5.98 1.02
Rochester 미국 101 375 54.17 % 0.71 51 035 1 791 9.28 1.29
Ochakov 소련 61 398 51.67 % 0.57 36 864 1 604 6.19 0.95
Schill 독일 19 418 53.00 % 0.69 47 876 1 639 3.85 1.17
Belfast '43 영국 73 133 50.47 % 0.51 35 491 1 510 3.97 0.87
Congress 미국 85 495 54.20 % 0.59 43 529 1 627 7.23 0.93
Wukong 범아시아 55 829 48.29 % 0.50 42 618 1 441 3.95 0.83
Mainz 독일 1 046 236 52.02 % 0.63 52 186 1 619 5.58 1.09
Tiger '59 영국 46 803 57.21 % 0.69 42 595 1 875 8.60 1.47
Anchorage 미국 153 392 52.05 % 0.60 49 815 1 603 3.95 1.00
Irian 범아시아 272 736 51.42 % 0.67 49 887 1 599 5.04 1.18
Almirante Grau 범아메리카 64 401 54.19 % 0.77 49 882 1 852 11.90 1.53
Numancia 스페인 15 792 52.19 % 0.76 43 344 1 710 3.64 1.40
Mikhail Kutuzov 소련 1 211 323 53.01 % 0.69 54 672 1 516 3.51 1.45
De Zeven Provinciën 네덜란드 241 053 54.65 % 0.69 49 744 1 869 12.27 1.51
Prinz Eugen 독일 782 977 49.69 % 0.48 37 870 1 364 4.16 0.87
Bayard 프랑스 302 172 54.35 % 0.81 56 940 1 776 5.30 1.46
Cheshire 영국 137 584 53.81 % 0.67 48 624 1 753 10.00 1.31
Wichita 미국 211 197 53.53 % 0.66 44 676 1 685 6.69 1.12
Tallinn 소련 1 102 096 50.05 % 0.52 37 216 1 475 5.93 0.80
Shimanto 일본 209 904 51.26 % 0.60 40 792 1 607 8.94 1.05
Cherbourg 프랑스 430 724 52.89 % 0.65 48 223 1 646 6.38 1.02
Albemarle 영국 609 420 52.68 % 0.64 49 181 1 664 6.79 1.19
Cleveland 미국 2 767 437 50.89 % 0.56 39 266 1 426 5.71 0.89
Harbin 범아시아 323 793 50.39 % 0.58 35 427 1 562 7.06 0.92
Ignacio Allende 범아메리카 143 459 51.90 % 0.61 38 898 1 653 8.41 1.01
Cataluña 스페인 164 769 52.22 % 0.71 50 215 1 660 4.25 1.25
Chapayev 소련 2 186 748 51.32 % 0.59 44 591 1 580 3.59 1.01
Amalfi 이탈리아 1 579 528 51.86 % 0.64 48 813 1 645 4.30 1.24
Haarlem 네덜란드 623 844 52.45 % 0.57 45 781 1 694 8.86 0.98
Admiral Hipper 독일 2 741 700 49.53 % 0.50 40 381 1 502 4.01 0.84
Charles Martel 프랑스 1 678 894 52.17 % 0.67 53 633 1 590 3.64 1.21
Edinburgh 영국 1 837 901 52.11 % 0.62 40 264 1 538 4.69 1.15
Baltimore 미국 2 424 952 51.00 % 0.54 37 675 1 472 6.70 0.81
Atago 일본 4 189 549 50.81 % 0.57 39 829 1 392 2.60 1.08
Auckland 영연방 73 369 52.50 % 0.72 53 010 1 727 3.48 1.23
Tone 일본 169 735 53.50 % 0.64 40 509 1 575 3.97 1.63
Jaarsveld 네덜란드 20 975 52.10 % 0.62 48 005 1 865 10.72 1.15
Mogami 일본 4 079 717 49.77 % 0.57 39 576 1 365 2.37 0.96


최소 전투 수: 40
Player 전투 PR 승률 평균 격침 최대 격침수 평균 데미지 최대 데미지 평균 경험치 최대 경험치
1 [KEY] Planetarium_PLANA 41 3 065 65.85% 1.61 6 120 102 244 483 1 700 2 743
2 [WILLE] Kirarane_ 40 3 036 85% 1.55 5 116 735 199 013 2 855 4 574
3 [HO-MO] Kuraki_Ai 41 3 004 65.85% 1.46 4 126 313 267 978 2 305 3 948
4 [RSTC] Canterbury_Bell_ 50 2 942 76% 1.38 4 120 547 198 327 2 625 3 890
5 [TSUKI] SinpleSoul 56 2 926 73.21% 1.38 5 120 748 203 156 2 753 4 856
6 [-JK-] Mummma 74 2 899 70.27% 1.45 6 115 649 201 040 2 763 4 606
7 [ZIPPO] Sanben_6x8 42 2 864 78.57% 1.79 5 103 348 175 610 2 949 4 484
8 [RINA] luo_boi 42 2 823 64.29% 1.38 5 119 377 222 531 2 699 4 338
9 [WSGFM] HMS51Hood 69 2 815 62.32% 1.46 5 112 863 203 268 2 593 4 485
10 [NF2CN] Kaiserin3029 50 2 722 72% 1.42 5 110 744 261 994 2 564 4 767
11 [OVO] LuckyEOvO 40 2 705 65% 1.15 4 118 906 249 305 2 556 3 711
12 [AYAYA] Care_Akatsuki 132 2 670 80.3% 1.44 6 103 991 216 632 2 649 5 056
13 [RSTC] AlkaTale 97 2 637 73.2% 1.47 4 104 358 198 437 2 012 3 917
14 [HRIT] HALLANDPTSD 62 2 625 64.52% 1.53 6 103 009 188 388 2 708 5 393
15 [GINKA] Yukibot 69 2 593 65.22% 1.57 6 103 780 231 738 2 427 4 752
15 [YD] Tanene 100 2 593 70% 1.5 7 103 610 205 086 2 499 4 652
17 [FDU] _Yuuki__Asuna_ 51 2 591 74.51% 1.51 6 100 740 221 547 2 650 5 208
18 [MGP] Lawliet_Light 58 2 582 70.69% 1.24 4 108 445 204 590 2 665 4 785
19 [TIF-K] MMP_defender 43 2 570 76.74% 1.21 4 105 463 202 715 2 553 3 998
20 [ATRI] Usugami 97 2 567 70.1% 1.4 4 103 901 218 503 2 584 4 955
21 [HBS] hinako_kitano 40 2 528 70% 1.5 5 97 209 151 212 2 579 4 620
22 [CCTV2] ZYtheNOOB_ 52 2 518 67.31% 1.58 8 99 499 221 330 2 586 4 647
23 [NTSB] HarunaPrPr 46 2 497 78.26% 1.35 5 94 863 189 340 2 454 4 368
24 [NF2CN] hx_033 43 2 496 72.09% 1.58 5 96 257 208 468 1 726 3 590
25 [XFQ] ghs2015 47 2 487 80.85% 1.34 6 97 002 161 570 2 789 4 193
26 [GS] st118 155 2 481 69.68% 1.35 5 96 911 204 269 2 421 4 972
27 [VOR] GriffithVictoria 44 2 475 63.64% 1.5 5 98 613 179 504 2 602 4 685
28 [RDP] Inferno1_2 54 2 471 72.22% 1.3 3 100 596 168 113 2 385 3 855
29 [PANTS] 222qq85926 151 2 470 79.47% 1.22 7 94 336 199 478 2 323 4 856
30 [MYGO] UltimateWorrior_ 57 2 463 73.68% 1.26 4 100 246 190 487 2 641 4 350
31 [FOCAL] Probe_UnderAttack 47 2 459 74.47% 1.32 4 95 833 169 655 2 601 4 043
32 [W-L] Aunt_3 175 2 450 61.14% 1.3 6 100 378 226 577 2 521 5 485
32 [CNS-A] RE_Jumao 56 2 450 78.57% 1.27 4 95 123 181 510 2 563 5 069
34 [SDL] Dj_R36 46 2 445 65.22% 1.35 4 101 887 212 268 2 507 4 822
34 [EED] sometimes_naive_add1S 41 2 445 70.73% 1.29 5 99 961 233 016 1 552 3 002
36 [RSTC] 122mm 62 2 443 74.19% 1.11 5 102 845 179 419 2 279 4 003
37 [ESSEX] Phoenix_Fey 43 2 430 72.09% 1.44 4 96 062 215 054 2 535 4 337
38 [CV3] nnnnnxev 75 2 424 62.67% 1.45 5 99 712 198 330 2 516 4 587
39 [EED] Asama_Kitakaze_ 58 2 421 67.24% 1.34 5 99 338 196 290 2 522 4 322
40 IICG 54 2 407 74.07% 1.13 4 96 920 179 259 2 465 4 094
41 [GANYU] Adorable_Mipha 40 2 390 62.5% 1.43 6 98 814 174 138 2 351 4 086
41 [-VOC-] ArisuRia 46 2 390 67.39% 1.2 5 97 562 176 899 2 451 4 581
43 [PANTS] natsumeyukisora 74 2 384 58.11% 1.27 4 103 313 215 526 2 179 4 230
44 [AZUMA] harugumorbq 44 2 379 68.18% 1.23 5 99 925 199 557 2 521 5 206
45 [ECUST] SHYXR 110 2 376 58.18% 1.24 5 103 473 215 665 2 355 4 474
46 OneSeeeeean 99 2 375 63.64% 1.47 6 96 495 184 601 2 462 4 358
47 [GS] desukedo_14 64 2 370 84.38% 1.12 4 94 402 186 681 2 385 4 355
47 [CA-39] KatoMegumi_PrPr 43 2 370 67.44% 1.19 5 100 682 197 254 2 479 4 381
49 [404GT] VivianBoom 102 2 345 66.67% 1.47 6 88 522 181 199 2 444 4 533
50 air_horo 86 2 340 58.14% 1.41 6 98 299 234 755 2 348 3 866
51 [FFD] KOTS_Kirito_Takakura 48 2 339 75% 1.17 5 95 712 200 262 2 526 4 282
52 [PANTS] _HayamiShinoa 58 2 337 68.97% 1.34 4 94 964 182 175 2 098 3 769
53 momotxdi 46 2 336 69.57% 0.96 3 103 117 170 020 2 040 3 372
54 KillStealz 45 2 331 71.11% 1.36 5 93 489 199 820 2 028 3 959
55 [ULT] Testarossa_T 160 2 329 66.25% 1.33 7 96 169 193 436 2 132 4 640
55 [MINER] BaItimore 40 2 329 62.5% 1.65 5 86 137 166 429 2 427 4 059
57 R3negade 42 2 323 76.19% 1.45 5 88 628 204 573 2 142 3 690
58 [CU] lou_zhu_2b 42 2 318 66.67% 1.38 7 93 966 233 551 2 321 4 297
59 Wantenna_inu 44 2 315 68.18% 1.5 4 90 394 185 643 2 386 4 375
59 [SHACK] Audit_Committee 70 2 315 70% 1.47 5 90 748 171 369 2 353 4 330
61 [OMJ] viki_00 211 2 309 70.14% 1 5 96 395 210 765 2 174 4 271
62 [BOTS] NevNein 53 2 308 71.7% 1.45 5 90 010 158 526 2 456 4 382
62 [FCOMR] cryo_knight 47 2 308 70.21% 1.4 6 88 961 198 333 2 450 4 073
64 [SGBOY] prcxiaowei1992 263 2 307 65.02% 1.28 5 96 720 205 265 2 332 5 000
65 MjolnirTT 99 2 301 69.7% 1.41 6 91 363 223 023 2 356 4 333
65 [BOTS] CJokerLukas 43 2 301 65.12% 1.49 4 91 850 182 121 2 380 4 121
67 [PANTS] Youyi 40 2 296 65% 1.2 4 97 173 206 684 2 078 3 965
67 hazuki__ 101 2 296 68.32% 1.26 5 95 217 184 453 2 386 4 528
69 [CAMP] Luna_Sakurakouji_ 60 2 287 76.67% 1.35 4 85 432 184 616 2 261 4 671
70 [SOLO] Nanatori 48 2 284 68.75% 1.21 4 95 455 179 900 2 235 3 835
71 [RDT] tenmi 93 2 281 80.65% 1.12 4 91 885 201 329 1 734 3 783
72 [WILLE] Azuma__Akizuki 87 2 280 62.07% 1.33 7 95 592 212 159 2 470 4 741
73 [YU_RI] byjwdw 91 2 279 73.63% 1.15 5 94 237 183 762 2 541 4 459
74 [WYNZ] wuaaaaaa 47 2 277 78.72% 1.32 5 87 889 170 770 2 327 3 924
75 [PNN2] bu84wu0cl6 44 2 275 77.27% 1.23 4 90 285 164 374 1 700 3 533
76 [VOR] 1NnoVaTI0N 46 2 273 76.09% 1.28 6 90 033 167 705 2 309 3 974
77 [GINKA] BlueDestiny_Iona 82 2 271 75.61% 1.32 5 87 518 202 643 2 511 4 503
78 [NAIW] 86477860 112 2 270 66.07% 1.52 6 89 256 226 064 2 336 4 856
79 [GNK48] 0MrY0 40 2 265 65% 1 3 95 961 177 294 2 394 4 416
80 [-AWT-] Liketoring 261 2 261 62.45% 1.28 5 91 662 250 148 2 429 4 710
80 [GFIJN] Yui__Hatano 100 2 261 68% 1.13 5 95 898 176 625 2 011 4 738
82 [YESIR] FBismark 75 2 260 65.33% 1.49 5 85 738 189 908 1 622 4 228
83 [GANYU] JohnnieWalkerBlack 107 2 253 60.75% 1.21 5 97 420 190 445 2 079 3 900
84 [MYGO] fisht0ufu 45 2 251 53.33% 1.47 4 95 230 172 240 2 519 4 531
85 [SOLA] mystery7373 42 2 249 64.29% 1.21 4 95 697 180 687 2 081 3 213
86 EternityFlare 57 2 247 64.91% 1.16 5 96 523 170 993 2 416 4 231
86 [ARU] Anissa_ 65 2 247 70.77% 1.31 5 86 780 189 011 2 648 4 710
88 [GS] m_oka 49 2 246 73.47% 1.12 4 88 788 160 362 2 418 4 228
89 [SJTU] DALTobiichi_Origami 64 2 243 65.63% 1.3 5 92 977 188 207 2 394 3 946
90 [GS] KackyP 42 2 242 61.9% 1.38 6 92 319 184 521 2 400 4 426
90 [HSF] 314Confederation 42 2 242 71.43% 1.38 3 88 140 175 927 2 130 3 535
90 [PKLC] Best_hansolo 74 2 242 67.57% 1.19 4 93 981 184 777 2 486 5 025
93 nmslese 57 2 239 70.18% 1.04 5 96 409 157 748 2 198 4 049
93 [ATFD] Foreseee 58 2 239 70.69% 1.24 5 91 643 210 993 2 435 4 216
95 [GP] xiao558222210 92 2 238 72.83% 1.3 6 88 644 193 194 2 330 4 916
96 [FCOMR] ShucklePrPr 60 2 236 76.67% 1.23 5 86 108 179 540 2 070 3 611
97 [A-1] ZI_Sirius 83 2 234 60.24% 1.2 4 92 174 206 360 2 218 5 046
98 [ERUA] Acid_Drop 45 2 231 68.89% 1.22 4 89 318 173 039 2 209 3 690
99 [MRG] Aonori_ 42 2 229 54.76% 1.33 6 96 450 200 104 2 183 4 601
100 [RDT] hakkun_311 111 2 227 71.17% 1.27 6 90 126 200 400 2 323 4 677